Be carried by love
This is a flower that I crossed paths with at Belinda’s retreat center in Mt. Shasta. Her retreat center, called Hestia, is named after the Greek goddess of home and hearth and it has always been a special place where friends come together to become grounded and connected to nature and the Earth again. This particular visit was with a special group of girlfriends in the early spring of 2015.
This plant caught my eye with it’s bright yellow blooms one morning and after drawing it, I had this immense feeling of gratitude for the wholeness I felt being a guest at such a beautiful place. It was like there was this sense or realization that there was nothing broken or in need of fixing or healing at that particular moment. The knowing came from the land and the bounty of water and rocks and trees growing there.
I still remember lovingly writing the word WHOLENESS with my non-dominant (left) hand as a symbolic thank you to Hestia for the lessons in wholeness that she taught me that day.
From THE GARDEN of HEALING Album. Music and video by Ariel Loh - Window Seat.
What does wholeness feel like to you? This week’s theme of Wholeness is represented by the forsythia flower. The flowers are produced in the early spring before the leaves, bright yellow with a deeply four-lobed flower, the petals joined only at the base.
Artist Arlene Kim Suda shares this inspiration from Jun'ichirō Tanizaki — 'Were it not for shadows, there would be no beauty.’
We are encouraged to remember the beautiful grays and that our wholeness will never destroy us.
Joined by the intuitive and thoughtful strategic advisor and executive coach Stephanie Ervin, she reminds us that “We are more than our jobs that we show up to do.”
Join us in this captivating episode of Gratitude Blooming as we delve into the theme of Wholeness with the remarkable Lorrie Adams. In this conversation grounded by the vibrant Forsythia, Lorrie takes us on a journey of self-discovery and healing, sharing her profound insights and experiences. Her Shamans Cave Maker community also crafted the Gratitude Blooming wooden card deck holders!

Wholeness is one of the 39 Gratitude Blooming themes that we explore to help our community keep gratitude front of mind.
Explore all themes