It’s pollinated, not planted,
like a wildflower
Here is the story behind our Trust card. This is one of my favorite cards in the deck and perhaps the first drawing of the 100 day project where I really started to sense something magical in the plants I was encountering and in the routine I was building around drawing them in my daily practice.
This wildflower is based on an actual flower, though the way I drew it, it is a bit made up too. It is based on a tiny wildflower with light purple flowers that grows in my backyard. The whole plant in the drawing could fit in the palm of my hand, and the flower blooms were each smaller than a fingertip. So I had to magnify it in my mind in order to draw it and in the process, things were probably transformed a bit. I guess that makes it wild in many ways. It grows wildly (this is a tiny flower that just appears in the backyard every spring), and the drawing came in part from the wild place of imagination…the part of the mind that sees without the eyes.
There was a lesson to learn in having to draw without really being able to see. It required more intuition and certainly a trust — which is how the word was paired with this flower. I had to trust my hand in making each line and trust what my mind could see without really being able to see.
And if you think about it, as artists of our own lives, there are never any guarantees, there are often setbacks and things that will never be totally clear. This flower seemed to be a reminder that in the end, all you really have to fall back on is trust in that guiding light within yourself.
If you look closely at the drawing, you can see the erased word ‘trust’ in the background. The first time I drew the word, it felt spatially too close to the plant. So I erased it and redrew it a little higher in the picture. And it felt kind of right that my first attempt to draw the word didn’t fully erase. Because trust is a little like that. It comes and it goes. It is hard to hold onto. It disappears but it actually still is there. It changes forms.
I see this drawing as a reminder that part of the work of trusting ourselves is to know that the clarity that comes with trust can be fleeting but it is something that is always available to us in that wild part of ourselves - even when we can’t always see it.
Where does trust come from? It comes from within us. It’s begotten, not made. To trust requires a radical shift in perspective. Trust embraces wildness. Vulnerability and gratitude pollinate trust both within ourselves and with others.
Welcoming uncertainty, not control, is what makes trust unique. In this episode, we talk about three kinds of trust - naive, blind and authentic. To embody trust is to walk the walk. To talk the talk. To feel the feels. Hear stories from our Gratitude Circles to grow your trust.
When times are tough, how do we trust enough to remain unmoving until the water clears itself?
Mario Jefferson’s story inspires us to create new personal narratives around trusting ourselves, each other, and the systems we exist in.
As a black youth raised in the foster care system of the south, Mario witnessed life through failed family, community, religious and legal systems. Rather than being crushed by the violence and disillusionment of his upbringing, he found a way to maintain his sunny disposition on life.
For this episode, we released a new limited-edition digital art.
You can support our podcast and activity by collecting an NFT.
The new art is inspired by this poem by Robert Frost while imagining what a woodblock might look like in digital form.
Nothing Gold Can Stay
Robert Frost
Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.
How do you find hope and personal empowerment in the face of war and political unrest?
For our second live podcast series, we reimagine democracy as an everyday practice of listening, speaking, and asking questions in a new way to humanize one another and build our muscle of empathy.

Trust is one of the 39 Gratitude Blooming themes that we explore to help our community keep gratitude front of mind.
Explore all themes