06 Tenacity — Gratitude Blooming

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The dandelion drawing is another drawing I made while visiting Belinda’s retreat center, called Hestia, in Mt Shasta.

While staying there for a long weekend, I found myself exploring the property to see what plants would catch my attention that I could include in my drawing project. I specifically recall finding this dandelion (I even remember the exact, very non descriptive place in a patch of dirt next to the driveway!).

It seemed to scream out “hey there - don’t you see me? I’m HERE!!!!”   This plant wanted to be noticed. It had such presence and strength despite the fact that most of us with lawns and yards see it as a weed. It truly seemed to say, “I don’t care what you think, I’m HERE and I’m going to do what I do best. I’m going to grow and bloom and release my seeds into the wind to create more life.”

It was beaming in its tenacity - like it knew what it needed to do and it just kept on keeping on doing its thing.

A few years after I made the drawing, I had a memorable experience with it. I did a family project where I tried to capture stories from my parents. I kept the Gratitude Blooming cards on hand to facilitate the conversation in case it would help spark a memory or thought.

When I asked my mom what she remembers about her mom (who I never was able to meet), I asked her to choose the drawings that remind her of her. One of the cards she picked up was the tenacity card and she said with so much pride - “my mom was so strong. Whenever anyone had a problem, they would come to her. She always knew what to do. She always knew how to help.”

It’s a reminder that my grandmother is with me in these drawings and in so many other ways even though I never had the chance to meet her. This tenacity card - and the dandelion - will always remind me of her, my family and my connection to others who make me who I am without me even knowing it! The ones who provide the roots of my own tenacity that help me become who I need to become.



Negative thoughts come, but we can choose which thoughts we want to focus on. Pausing and focusing on what you can be grateful for in the moment helps to create a growth mindset and be more resilient.

The dandelion is all about transformation from yellow flower to white puff ball to seeds. How can your mind transform like the dandelion? Practicing gratitude helps the mind transform negative thoughts into positive ones.




This week we explore the theme of tenacity, represented by the dandelion, with artist and musician Radhika Vekaria. Even after a big life challenge, Radhika shares that the heart doesn’t need protecting. It’s protecting us. Hearts don’t break, only our expectations. She found we can always recharge the heart with love and breath.



In this digital art piece, Arlene superimposed the dandelion on text from Darwin’s Origin of Species. She borrowed the idea from a ✨brilliant,✨in depth and beautiful series of art by Don Farnsworth called Origin: Specimens.

“The text I chose (from the section on the Geometrical Ratio of Increase) is a bit ominous which makes me think of how courageous and bold it must have been for Darwin to write and publish this work.

The words are a reminder of the stark struggle of life and our natural capacity - even necessity - to adapt to it. And the dandelion in this version of the drawing is basically saying, I accept the challenge and am ready to thrive and keep going as best as I can. It also feels like a reminder of how miraculous it is that we get to participate in each moment while we are here.”




Have you ever considered how gratitude can be a social adhesive, bringing us together to co-create the world we envision? Join us, as we leap into a profound conversation and art installation centered on democracy and empathy with the Japanese American National Museum and the National Center for the Preservation of Democracy. The partners of Gratitude Blooming open up about our journey of stepping into new roles and the power of learning through the process. There's a goldmine here about the development of empathy and coherence that you don’t want to miss.




Zen Master and movement leader Norma Wong returns to share her profound insights on tenacity and transformation, illuminating the intricate dance between persistence and stubbornness. And, she shares insights from her new book, When No Thing Works.


Tenacity is one of the 39 Gratitude Blooming themes that we explore to help our community keep gratitude front of mind.

Explore all themes
