Embracing the unknown
This is the only card in the deck that is not a line drawing and the only one I made with sumi ink. The drawing is based on a flower my friend and neighbor gave me that kept me company in the studio. I decided to try to draw it in honor of her birthday. I love the blackness of sumi ink and I remember feeling like this single stem would be a good candidate to try out this new medium.
The reason it became the “mystery” card is that I can honestly say, I have no idea how I was able to draw this. You have much less control when using ink and a brush (compared to pencil or pen) and I remember looking at the flower, dipping my brush in ink and then a little in water, and almost in a single movement, the drawing was born. No touch-ups, no ‘fixing’. When the ink hits the paper, it’s like you can’t turn back. All I can recall from the movement of my hand was that I was imagining touching the general shapes of the flower while intensely looking at it (almost without even looking down on the paper). In that way, it almost feels like a sculpture to me - like it was sculpted not drawn.
So this was clearly a drawing born of mystery. When I look at it, I still feel wonder about how it came to be.
I think when we start embracing those moments of mystery, we start to realize the potential power each of us has in our lives. But it’s like that power requires a different kind of attention, one where you really just have to keep showing up - with an open heart and mind and no ego or expectations - and be open to the mysteries that arrive to fill that space in your life.
Mystery is an invitation to embrace the unknown. Gratitude Blooming Card #25 is represented by the orchid, which goes back more than 100 million years. It transcends the day-to-day time that can limit your imagination of what is possible. To be in touch with mystery is to create space for both the miraculous and the mundane.
Author and therapist Jor-El Caraballo talks about the importance of presence, permission to grow, sensitivity, memory, security vs. safety, and belonging.
He compares himself to an orchid, a plant that needs very little water, and encourages listeners to focus less on creation and more on spontaneity. He also mentions the importance of consent, disclosure, and reflection in order to save us from the shadow, which is more than the addict of our psyche.

Mystery is one of the 39 Gratitude Blooming themes that we explore to help our community keep gratitude front of mind.
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