Look at the moon and river and clouds
This is another drawing made during a visit to Belinda’s retreat center in Mt. Shasta. The drawing was inspired not only by this flower that was growing by the water’s edge but also by the river and the clouds passing overhead. They all seemed to have the same message about impermanence - we and our surroundings are all changing in each moment we live. Nothing stays the same.
Compared to the clouds and river, this iris felt more “permanent” though I knew that in a few days or so, even this flower would probably lose its petals and start to fade away. Did that make it even more precious that I could witness it blooming?
In many ways, I think art in its various forms - drawing, music, writing, whatever form of expression you choose - tries to capture those precious moments like a snapshot.
And I think underlying a lot of the urge to create is a hope to capture a thing or feeling to make it last because deep down, perhaps even subconsciously, we all know how precious each moment is. Like the moment I spotted this iris. The moment I decided to start drawing it. The moment I heard a message of impermanence while watching the sky and the river pass by. The moment I drew in the word ‘impermanence’ and then gently erased some of it away.
I think we know each of the seemingly mundane moments in life is precious. We just get busy or stressed or distracted and sometimes forget. I think that’s partly why I love the work Belinda and Omar are doing on gratitude because I think they are trying to create new ways for us to remember how precious each moment we have here is.
In Latin, iris means rainbow. The rainbow's ephemeral nature is what gives it beauty. We are invited this week to look at what is impermanent with fresh eyes.
In this episode of the podcast, "Impermanence - embracing loss," we dedicate it to our beloved podcast producer, Brian Vasquez, who recently passed away. Brian was a self-taught and Grammy-nominated audio producer who never forgot the magic of audio and had a deep appreciation for the craft. He will always be remembered for his love for sound and storytelling.
We also feature our conversation with Karen Mack, the founder of LA Commons, an arts organization that helps communities tell their stories and artists create dynamic works of public art, including with nature.

Impermanence is one of the 39 Gratitude Blooming themes that we explore to help our community keep gratitude front of mind.
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