Choose to pause
As mentioned also in the vulnerability story, the rose appears three times in the Gratitude Blooming cards. In the past, our team called this rose the spring rose in part because it seemed to be just beginning to bloom. And the word that came with it - c h o i c e - seems almost like a springtime word. ‘Choice’ feels full of possibility and is both empowering and daunting in its connection to our own nature, free will and intention that ultimately gets expressed through the choices we make.
Sometimes the word that comes with a plant in these Gratitude Blooming drawings arises out of something I didn’t see or notice until after I finished drawing it. It reminds me of how much I felt like a channel for the messages from these plants to come through.
I drew this rose exactly as I saw it based on a cutting from a rose bush from our garden. I added the word choice after I drew it because when I drew it, I could really FEEL the fork in the stem. The closer I looked, it was like there were two roads diverging - one leading to the blooming flower and the other leading to a path of thorns and leaves with a single rose hip and no flower at the end.
I think most of the time, it’s not so clear where our choices will lead - like how do we know there isn’t an abundance of blooming flowers beyond the first couple thorns? And in the end, don’t both roads have their own merits and lessons. Who is to say that the one with the flower is the better path?
And maybe that is a lesson for us when we arrive at those moments in our lives where there is a clear divergence of paths - all we can really do is make the best, intentional choice in the moment, and then recognize the beauty and miracles of the path our feet land on.
And I believe that the more trust we can have that our choices are aligned to who we really are, the miracle of where we land over time can feel even bigger.
From THE GARDEN of CURIOSITY Album. Music and video by Ariel Loh - Window Seat.
Life can feel like there are many paths and that can create uncertainty. Which path to take?
We invite you to pause. To appreciate this moment and to reflect on what you value. Listen to what your heart wants to choose.
Tune in for an inspiring conversation about the power of choice and the importance of prioritizing what truly matters in life.
With wisdom from Gratitude Blooming’s rose card representing choice, the celebrated author of Emergent Strategy adrienne maree brown joins for an insightful conversation on building right relationships, the power of proximity and her new book Loving Corrections.

Choice is one of the 39 Gratitude Blooming themes that we explore to help our community keep gratitude front of mind.
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