What if we could harness the wisdom of nature to navigate change, feel whole & transform our lives?
In the words of Arlene Kim Suda, the artist behind Gratitude Blooming:
“Wholeness can be complicated! Because it means you recognize everything — the contradictions, the lightness AND the shadow, the need for connection AND the need to be alone, the ability to recognize what is absolutely true for you AND to accept that it may change over time...”
The theme of wholeness (inspired by the Forsythia plant) takes us on a multi-dimensional exploration of the contrasts, contradictions and conflicting truths that live within us and around us.
Join us for a special online springtime exploration of wholeness through physical, mental, emotional and spiritual alchemy.
Co-Hosted by…
Inner Alchemy for Outer Change:
Experiencing Wholeness in Challenging Times
Spring initiates an activation of sprouting ascent from underground potential to visible actualization. To moderate this germination as sustainable growth, we must breakthrough without breakdown or burnout, overdoing or overwhelming ourselves.
This requires a vital awareness of our divine direction, resilient strategies to maintain proper orientation, as well as as lovingkindness towards self and others.
These themes are all related to the alchemical element of Wood, which we explore and unpack in four live group zoom sessions.
This is a guided weekly online experience for anyone who desires to…
Live more attuned with cycles of nature
Gain skills to better navigate transitions
Feel peace amongst stress and chaos
Connect with a deeper center of being
Transform obstacles into opportunities
Find greater meaning in any situation
We will meet live on zoom from 9 - 10 am PT for four consecutive Sundays:
Mar 30, 2025
Apr 6, 2025
Apr 13, 2025
Apr 20, 2025
Seasonal themes and practices we will explore..
Listen to the artist story for inspiration.
Introduce yourself to the theme by listening to the origin story of the forsythia drawing and its message of WHOLENESS, from the Gratitude Blooming artist herself.
Download Mp3 | Read Story
Physical Alchemy to Change Well in Spring
Optimize Organs and Tissues of Interconnection
Standing Practice for Centering Energy
Emotional Alchemy to Change Well in Spring
Transform Repressed Anger into Expressed Agency
Standing Practice for Clearing Energy
Zoom Call #3 (APR 13): MENTAL ALCHEMY
Mental Alchemy to Change Well in Spring
Clear Harmful Mindsets with Healing Memes
Standing Practice for Charging Energy
Spiritual Alchemy to Change Well in Spring
Surrender Stale Stories to New Narratives
Standing Practice for Communing Energy
Upcoming Seasons…
CHANGE WELL SERIES #2: Aligning with the Summer Cycle
JUNE 29 - JULY 20, 2025
Summer unfolds an expansion of our energies, both healthy and unhealthy, beautiful and messy, light and dark.
Clarity allows us to see ourselves fully.
Compassion helps us choose expression of our inherent goodness.
Courage warms our heart to melt old hurts for our inner self to blossom. These themes are related to the alchemical element of Fire.
CHANGE WELL SERIES #3: Aligning with the Fall Cycle
SEP 28 - OCT 19, 2025
Fall ripens release and the fruition of our realizations.
What of the lessons we harvest each year lead to tangible change?
Select the most valuable experiences and distill them as treasures. These are the principles and values without which we become lost. Embodied, they gift us the wisdom and power to transmute our problems into gold. These themes are related to the alchemical element of Metal.
CHANGE WELL SERIES #4: Aligning with the Winter Cycle
JAN 11, 2025 - FEB 1, 2026
Winter invites a return to our origins for death creates rebirth. That which flows must also ebb as the tides of our life.
Do we have capacity to commune with the unknown?
If we can surrender into what we fear its frozen frequencies can be freed as creativity. Deep rest is rare and required to build our reserves. Stillness is a profound force that moves from our center into the world. These themes are related to the alchemical element of Water.
Your Investment
$390 per season or bundle all 4 seasons for $1,250 (20% OFF!)
Includes 4 Live Online Training Sessions plus the zoom recordings
Bonus access to our professional online video library of Dr. Paul’s most popular spring self-cultivation practices